fluctuations of glaciers

The series ‘Fluctuations of Glaciers’ (FoG), prepared by the WGMS, continuously publishes internationally collected, standardized data on changes in glaciers throughout the world at 5-yearly intervals. The objective of the publication is to reproduce a global set of data which

  • affords a general view of the changes,
  • encourages more extensive measurements,
  • invites further processing of the results,
  • facilitates consultation of the further sources, and
  • serves as a basis for research.

In fact, this standarized data set should be regarded as a working tool for the scientific community, especially concerning the fields of glaciology, climatology, hydrology, and quarternary geology.

The ‘Fluctuations of Glaciers’ series has the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 1997-910X (print) and 1997-9118 (online), respectively.

All issues of the FoG can be downloaded below, most issues can also be ordered as hardcopy at WGMS.

The FoG Vol. X (2005-2010) was published and shipped in December 2012.

Published FoGs:

FoG I1959-1965[pdf]
FoG II1965-1970[pdf]
FoG III1970-1975[pdf]
FoG IV1975-1980[pdf]
FoG V1980-1985[pdf]
FoG VI1985-1990[pdf]
FoG VII1990-1995[pdf]
FoG VIII1995-2000[pdf]
FoG IX2000-2005[pdf]
FoG X2005-2010[pdf]
last change 19/06/2017